
1. U.S Food & Drug Administration 510(k) Summary K200528; Bausch + Lomb (kalifilcon A) Soft (hydrophilic) Contact Lens. May 2020.

2. Data On File. Study 893: Product Performance Evaluation of a Novel Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens: kalfilcon A Patient Comfort and Vision Outcomes for subset of patients who reported wearing their lenses for 16 or more hours per day. Feb 19, 2021. Sponsored by Bausch + Lomb.

3. Rah, M. Ocular Surface Homeostasis & Contact Lens Design. (2021) Accessed on 28 August 2023. Sponsored by Bausch + Lomb.

4. Data On File. Results of a consumer symptoms of 318 silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lens wearers. Kadence International. April 2019. Sponsored by Bausch + Lomb.